
Zimus is a result-driven solution. It uses state-of-the-art technology to provide excellent outcomes.

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Zimus IDP AI-Powered Document Processing

Own Private Cloud

Own infrastructure located in the Swiss Alps.

Zimus runs on our high-performance AI cluster. That ensures lightning-fast processing speeds and unmatched customization options.
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Zimus runs on our own infrastructure, allowing us to maintain complete control over all aspects of our system and provide our users with the utmost privacy.

By owning our private cloud, we can guarantee that your data stays only yours and is not used for any other AI model. Moreover, you have the flexibility to customize your infrastructure as needed.

High precision

Zimus’s advanced multi-layer AI technology enables accurate data extraction within seconds, delivering high-precision results tailored to your business goals.

Easy integration

With Zimus, you’ll have a ready-to-use solution that integrates seamlessly with your business processes. It simplifies your workflow and streamlines productivity while considering your unique needs and requirements.

High performance

Zimus boasts a cutting-edge design and an advanced AI infrastructure that allows it to handle enormous amounts of data with remarkable speed and efficiency. By working smart and utilizing the available capacity to the fullest, Zimus delivers outstanding performance.

Cost-effective scaling

Zimus is the ultimate solution for AI-powered document processing. With its in-house infrastructure and seamless scalability, it can easily transition from proof of concept to processing most of your documents.

Say goodbye to manual data entry.
Choose Zimus and experience the future of document data processing.

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